Supporting people who have an intellectual disability

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CLBA Beliefs:

  • All people have unique gifts, talents, capabilities and the opportunity to share them with other people.
  • All people have dreams, hopes and the freedom to pursue them.
  • All people are empowered to have control over their own lives. They are provided with the needed information, knowledge, experience and opportunities to make informed decisions and decide when and where to share their personal information.
  • All people have the right to live the way they choose, with reasonable risk, and to experience ownership, self worth, value, dignity and privacy.
  • All people are encouraged to know, and be known by, their neighbours, fellow students and co-workers. They will make friends and share intimacy. Everyone deserves to love and to be loved.
  • All people deserve the best possible health. They are provided with opportunities to access supports and services in the community of their choosing.

CQL    Children and Youth Services Network    Watch our Video     Accessibility    United Way Quinte    Ontario Trillium Foundation